About me

Note: I am looking for software engineering internship opportunities for Summer 2023 in the US. Please reach out to me on my email if you find my profile interesting.

I am Avinash Swaminathan, currently a grad student at Georgia Tech completing my Master’s in CS with a specialisation in Computing Systems. Previously, I worked at Atlassian as a SWE and completed my undergraduation from NSIT Delhi.

At Atlassian, I contributed to reporting domain in Atlassian’s flagship products like Insight, JSM and Opsgenie. As a part of enabling AAC for Insight, I was responsible for designing and implementing a high-availability, high-resiliency pipeline to replicate entities from Insight to Atlassian’s Internal Data Lake. Tasked with improving Opsgenie’s scheduled reporting, I built observability SignalFx dashboards, alarms to monitor scheduled report delivery. For failures, I created a retry API and mechanism to rerun reports on priority basis. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Atlassian and primarily worked on tech stack consisting of AWS + SpringBoot. Before Atlassian, I completed my summer internship at Microsoft IDC and was a part of the Dataverse team.

In undergrad, I dabbled around with research in NLP and Computer Networks a bit. Within NLP , my focus was limited to building GAN models for NLP tasks. In a year-long collaboration with researchers at Bloomberg, we proposed a novel GAN architecture that generated human-readable phrases from scientific articles. In my thesis, I shifted my focus to Software-Defined Networks and developed a RL-dependent routing algorithm for SDNs. We also carried out research to build RL-based cybersecurity defense policy for Software Defined Networks. Our works have been published to top conferences and journals like AAAI, EMNLP, AACL, Computer Communications, etc. I am open to research assistantship opportunities at Georgia Tech in the area of distributed systems and computer networks.

While I was born in Chennai, I spent my entire life in the New Delhi suburb of Dwarka. If you plan on shifting to Delhi, Dwarka is a place I would 10/10 recommend. A few shows I am a fan of include - (The Office, Family Guy, Bojack Horseman, basically anything with edgy, dark humour). My musical taste varies every month but mostly fixates around American Pop even though these days, I am enjoying the classical music playlists on youtube. I also jog 3-4 kms every day (about 220 zone mins/ week if you use Fitbit).

Have a look at my resume

Life Updates

  • 6.4.2022: Accepted to Georgia Tech’s MS CS program
  • 5.7.2021: Joined Atlassian as SDE
  • 6.2021: Completed Undergrad at NSIT
  • 5.2019 ~ 3.2021: Research Intern at MIDAS Lab
  • 18.5.2020 ~ 10.7.2020: SDE Intern at Microsoft
  • 13.9.2020: Paper on GANs for keyphrase generation accepted at EMNLP
  • 10.9.2020: NLI Paper accepted at AACL-IJCNLP