Talks and presentations

Pytorch Tutorial - Chapter 1: Tensors

July 01, 2021

Youtube Tutorial, Youtube, New Delhi, India

Over a few series of weeks, I will be releasing a series of videos teaching various Pytorch concepts. Today we will be talking all about torch Tensors. The table of contents are as follows

A Preliminary Exploration of GANs for keyphrase generation - EMNLP 2020 short paper

October 07, 2020

EMNLP Talk, EMNLP, New Delhi, India

This is a presentation of our short Paper by “ A Preliminary Exploration of GANs for keyphrase generation “ presented at EMNLP 2020. The authors of this paper are : Avinash Swaminathan, Raymond(Haimin) Zhang, Debanjan Mahata, Rakesh Gosangi, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Amanda Stent. This a joint collaboration between Bloomberg, NYC and MIDAS, IIITD. Our work was also presented at AAAI 2020. The slides were recorded over SlidesLive.

Youtube Webinar on FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering

December 15, 2018

Talk, Youtube, New Delhi, India

I recently conducted a Webinar on Facial Recognition and Clustering using Facial Embeddings.We discussed what an Embedding Matrix was and how it helps us in the low-level representation of the characteristics of any matrix .We also discussed how Haar Cascades worked. A thorough discussion of the Facenet paper was also carried out.